Thursday 21 April 2016

challenges of a veterinarian in hills

least follow up
the case on hill top
least convenes
hiking natural fence
one bubaline ill on one mountain
reaching its safely
crossing huge fountain
one bovine ill on another mountain
reaching it safely
crossing the fountains
someday a tippler
on the hospital door
someday an owner
crying for more
medicine and treatment
with least payment
This is the epitome
of working in the hills
where mountains
and fountains
give dazzling chills

Wednesday 13 April 2016

the views from here

The high held mountains
The river flowing below
The tracks are narrow
Also steeping low
An eagle caught fly so high
seen touching the endless sky
The worn out lady cutting the grass
for her cattle and other flocks
the little kids running on the hills
shouting and screaming
dancing like drills
These views these sight
can only be witnessed
 here in the hills
when I return from the job
or come back after our daily work
This is why its lovely working in hills
wonderous n exploring the undying frills.

Tuesday 12 April 2016

the job in the hills

In the present era
when everyone is running 
out to explore the world
exploring the metroes
or the western world
only a few trace back to their roots
to the place where the grasses got too shoot
I came here 
in the hills 
in the rural
in the remote 
to observe 
and put my efforts
to speak up to my heart
to display my actual art 
of working for humanity
and being humane
of loving our nature
helping the unknown
i am glad to be here
I am glad to be here
and proof 
my worth 
for humanity 
and this earth.
